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Innovation and World Trend in the Next 5 Years

Our world, as it continues to develop at an exponentially increasing rate, will show similar trends in the next five years relative to innovation. In recent years, innovation has revolved around a center theme of technological creations. This however, is an incredibly broad term and needs to be specified under different areas in order to fully understand what the next five years will look like. This article will look at a few different areas in particular, including social media, medical changes, transportation, and virtual reality. While almost every other area of industry will see advancements in the coming years, these particular categories will have great impact on trends of the world.

To begin with social media, this is an entity that is very new to our existence as humans and still contains many unknowns for those trying to understand its impact. The most recent way that social media has made extreme impacts on our culture is the development of TikTok. This Chinese app is the culmination of online interaction that has been constantly changing over the last fifteen years. Social media thrives off of user data, which caters content to the user that they would likely enjoy viewing based on algorithms developed by tech companies. These algorithms will advance even more in the coming years as companies will pay more for said data, and thus will make social media even more desirable for consumers. This type of innovation is not an overnight revelation, but rather the continuous development of a new feature in our society that will grow over the next five years.

In comparison, advances in the medical world also build off of each other, but are based on research and studies rather than data mining. Some significant accomplishments that may be achieved this decade include but are not limited to: mapping the brain, cures and treatments for diseases like alzheimers, single-cell analysis, and gene editing. In particular, single-cell analysis is a way of looking at isolated cells that will help to determine particular locations of genes that cause all sorts of attributes to people. This field is on the brink of explosion as it is an incredibly useful way for scientists to understand the human genome. With this will come gene editing, even if it is a bit more down the line. There are so many types of medical innovations that will come in the next five years, and this industry combined with tech companies are bound to see massive upside, as well as societal benefits in health.

Transportation is a giant industry, even if slightly hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Two of the near-future updates to our society come from smart cars and high-speed trains. Smart cars are being innovated through electronic engines taking over, self-driving cars, and better GPS navigation. Driving is so quintessential in so many people’s lives that these breakthroughs will show large benefits overall. In addition, high-speed trains and railroads are being built all around the world to decrease travel time from city to city in countries like Japan and Germany. Driving and public transit via train will continue to become quicker, more eco-friendly, and safer as we innovate in these next five years.

Finally is virtual reality, which even though may be initially associated with video games, will also advance areas such as education and training. In particular, NASA is developing astronaut training that is through simulated virtual realities which may be able to prepare them for space missions.

The next five years are looking up in terms of the technology centered revolution that is still occurring and increasing, and our society should expect to see great benefits.


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